10X TdT Labeling Buffer

10X TdT Labeling Buffer


20 ml

Catalog no.



77 EUR

Value Description
Keep at 4° C
Description Buffering solutions are useful to keep the pH range sable when using this reagent of Trevigen.
More advice Streptavidin HRP and and TACS Nucleases for positive controls are supplied for immunohistochemistry with HRP an DAB with incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) at the 3’ OH ends of the DNA for apoptosis detection.
Assay performance TACS for in situ detection of apoptosis in a TUNEL test with frozen, paraffin embedded tissues. Enzymatic incorporation of biotinylated nucleotides in fragmented DNA with enzymes and permeabilization reagents, labeling and detection reagents, stop buffers, counterstain and TACS-Nuclease for in situ labeling.